Black Screen – A Simple Yet Useful Tool

Black Screen – A Simple Yet Useful Tool

I recently added a simple but practical feature to my website: a “Black Screen” page accessible at

What is it?

It’s simply a completely black web page with no interface elements or visible content. It’s designed to display a pure black screen that occupies your entire browser window.

What is it for?

This page can be used in several practical situations:

  1. Presentations and conferences: To pause between slides or temporarily hide your screen.
  2. Energy saving: A black screen consumes less energy on OLED/AMOLED displays.
  3. Brightness reduction: In a dark environment, when you need a minimal light source.
  4. Display testing: To check for light leaks or black quality on your screen.
  5. Meditation or focus: Eliminate visual distractions during a focus session.

How does it work?

Technically, it’s a simple static HTML page with a black background that occupies 100% of the screen and disables scrolling. It’s served directly by Nginx without going through WordPress.

This solution was implemented with the help of Claude, Anthropic’s AI assistant, who guided me through the Nginx configuration and the creation of the appropriate HTML file.

Feel free to use it whenever you need it—it’s a modest tool but one that can prove surprisingly useful!

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