Tagged: linux

Delete the oldest files from a folder as long as it exceeds a certain size


Note that you have to launch using “source

  • Delete the oldest files in the current folder (./) as long as it takes up more than 96MB:
    source ./clean_custom.sh --path ./ -l 9600000
  • Delete older files from temporary folder (/tmp/) as long as it takes more than 2GB:
    source ./clean_custom.sh --path /tmp/ -l 2000000000

Script source code

#!/usr/bin/env bash                                                              
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
# usage:                                                                         
    echo "Clean directory: while size of a dir > limit, oldest files first."
    echo "Usage: ${filename} [-p|--path path] [-s|--max-size size] | [-h]"
    echo "    -p|--path: path to clean"            
    echo "    -l|--limit: max size for the folder (must be > 0)"
    echo "    -h|--help this help"                 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
# handling arguments:                                                            
filename=$(basename -- "$0" | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/')        
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do                                     
    case $1 in                                               
        -p | --path ) shift              
                      # stop if path doesn't exist:
                      if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
                          echo "Path not found: '$1'"
                          return 1
        -l | --limit ) shift             
                       SIZE_LIMIT=$(echo $1 | bc)
                       if [ $SIZE_LIMIT -le 0 ]
                           return 1
        -h | --help ) usage              
        * ) usage                        
            return 1 
[ -z "$PATH_TO_CLEAN" ] && echo "Path empty" && usage && return 1
echo "Cleanin dir: '$PATH_TO_CLEAN', size limit=$SIZE_LIMIT" 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
# handling arguments:                                                            
while [ 1 ]                                                                      
    s=$(du -sb $PATH_TO_CLEAN | cut -f1 | bc)                
    if [ $s -gt $SIZE_LIMIT ]                                
        find $PATH_TO_CLEAN -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | \
            sort -nr | \
            tail -$NUMBER_FILES_TO_DELETE_EACH_LOOP | \
            cut -d' ' -f 2- | \
            xargs -I {} rm -f {}
return 0

Python: compile and run multiple versions without collisions

You have to go find the source code for the Python version that you want.

Example, run an “old” Python 3.6, go here and take the one that we want.

Then get the source code and compile it:

mkdir ~/source ; cd ~/source
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.13/Python-3.6.13.tar.xz
tar xvf Python-3.6.13.tar.xz
cd ~/source/Python-3.6.13
./configure && make
sudo make altinstall

“Et voilà”!

~/source/Python-3.6.13$ python3.6
Python 3.6.13 (default, May 21 2021, 17:12:12) 
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
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